Thursday, October 27, 2011

Done with midterms!

Woo..what a relief! Yesterday i finally took my last midterm and I am now stress free.  My Western Literature midterm was extremely hard .. I'm actually a bit nervous to get it back.  I had my ED 331 (Exceptional Child) midterm just last night and I feel pretty good about it.  It was 15 short answer questions so I did a lot of writing.  My hand still feels like its going to fall off.  On a brighter not I got a 101 on my biology midterm =) Proud of myself I must say.  For writing we submitted a paper I blogged about last week (argument on anti-bullying policy)  I am so relieved that it's all out of the way.  My brain still hurts haha.  But now I can enjoy HALLOWEEKEND without any worries.  If midterm week was next week I probably would have been in all weekend long.  How did you guys do on your midterms?  Did you have them in every class?  I noticed some classes don't give them but it all accords to the material and if it's needed or not I guess.


  1. Did you really get a chance to enjoy your Halloweekend last weeked or were you stuck inside because of the weather. Did you ever get outside? Were you trapped in the snow somewhere. I, too, am happy for you that your midterms are over. Congratulations on the good grade that you received in science class. I am truly impressed. Dr. Ries

  2. Thank Goodness the midterms are over. Sounds like you earned a fun night out! I am writing this after Halloween, hope the weather did not interfere with your plans. It's very important to take a break from the school work, and having something to look forward to helps you get through the stress of studying.
