Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Summer in November..huh?

Today it is absolutely gorgeous out..But this weather is absolutely crazy. Instead of my long sleeve plaid button down and uggs, I should be wearing flip-flops and a tee-shirt! It's stifling in this classroom too! How was everyones Halloween?  Did the snow ruin your plans?  I was so upset about it but it did not stop me haha :)  I had a great time at the parties and I must say I enjoyed the 2 extra days off due to the power outages.  It gave me time to catch up on some work too which was good.  The Nutley, Belleville, and Bloomfield Public Schools all were closed Mon-Weds.  I was shocked and still am to see the ruins and damages the snowstorm left.  There are trees down everywhere, it looks like a war zone outside.  The schools didn't even count them as snow days because technically it was "natural disaster."  It hasn't snowed in Jersey in October since the Civil War.  How did you guys do?  Are everyone's homes ok? Some people still don't have power.  Are any of you starting to take the 2012 prediction a bit more seriously? YIKES!

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