Monday, September 17, 2012

Methods of Teaching Social Studies and Science: Scott asks....Why Oh Why Wikipedia?

I agree with Scott and the rest of my classmates as well. I always found Wikipedia a useful tool when writing papers and assignments and I always wondered what teachers had against it. Wikipedia is a great guide for students to get their information from, not so much a source but definately a helpful guideline if used properly.  I liked what Mr. Boggs did with his students and I really think it would have taught the students how to navigate a site like Wikipedia correctly.  It gives a good overview as well on a topic of what student's may be writing about.  In my opinion, it is also a very helpful tool when referring to science and social studies lessons as opposed to language arts or math.  Social studies has to do with history and a lot of this can be found on Wikipedia.  I disagree with any teacher banning Wikipedia for student's especially when it comes to social studies.  They are making their student's miss out on a great and effective tool to learn.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Bye Bye Instructional Tech :( Merry Christmas everyone!!!

Today is our last day of Instructional Technology with Dr. Ries.  I must say I am going to miss this class very much.  We were introduced to a lot of useful tools that can be used in our classrooms someday. My favorites were web quest and photo story.  I really enjoyed this projects and think it would be good for my students because while learning they have fun doing it, which always makes a project more intriguing.  We were also a small group and enjoyed each others company.  It was easy because we were a tinier class so we could share all of our ideas with one another.  What did you guys enjoy most out of all our projects?  What do you think you can find helpful in your classroom someday.

Are you guys ready for Christmas?! I am =D Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy&Healthy New Year! Going to miss you all.  Keep blogging everyone so we can stay in touch and share more ideas.

P.S. Check out the gingerbread house I made with my boyfriend's nieces! Can't wait to eat it =)