Monday, September 17, 2012

Methods of Teaching Social Studies and Science: Scott asks....Why Oh Why Wikipedia?

I agree with Scott and the rest of my classmates as well. I always found Wikipedia a useful tool when writing papers and assignments and I always wondered what teachers had against it. Wikipedia is a great guide for students to get their information from, not so much a source but definately a helpful guideline if used properly.  I liked what Mr. Boggs did with his students and I really think it would have taught the students how to navigate a site like Wikipedia correctly.  It gives a good overview as well on a topic of what student's may be writing about.  In my opinion, it is also a very helpful tool when referring to science and social studies lessons as opposed to language arts or math.  Social studies has to do with history and a lot of this can be found on Wikipedia.  I disagree with any teacher banning Wikipedia for student's especially when it comes to social studies.  They are making their student's miss out on a great and effective tool to learn.

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