Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Remembering 9/11

This past week we are all aware of what happened 10 years ago on September 11, 2001.  I still remember being in 7th grade, my first few days of Franklin Middle School, sitting in study hall when the news broke.  Everyone was in a panic and children were being picked up from school to go home, including my brother and I.  The feeling I get every time I see footage or hear about it is chilling.  Right now New York City is under high security being that it is the 10 year anniversary and we have been notified of some terror threats.  A girl i went to school with unfortunately lost her father on that horrid day.  He worked in the World Trade Center.  She was only about 10 years old but remembers it horribly.  My heart goes out to her and her family and all of the others who lost a loved one in this incident.  I saw her on television the other day talking about it and quoting " I thought my dad would be around forever, you know?... I never thought he was going to go away or anything like that could've ever happened."  I had the goosebumps all over and tears came to my eyes.  She is 20 years old today and doing alot better but says she still never forgets.

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