Tuesday, September 27, 2011

First Day of Field Work!

Today was my first day of field observations in Lincoln School (Nutley NJ) for ED 331 (Exceptional Child)  I enjoyed it very much and am interested being that it's special ed and children with needs.  I know the class here at Caldwell is required for us to be certified to be an elementary teacher, however, I enjoy helping these children on my own.  I always had a big heart for children and that's why I wanted to become a teacher, but when it comes to children with special needs I just want to help them in any way I possibly can.  I can't wait to help them out with their struggles and questions.  This morning, I already had 2 different students coming to me for help.  It felt so great to be able to be there for them and help them with their problems.  This is definitely different from last semester, being that I'm in the resource room now.  There are 3 teachers in the room and they go to different classrooms for in-class support.  They also do inclusion and resource services.  Today one little girl was very alert and eager to answer questions and the teacher was so proud of her and rewarded her.  When other students see this it makes them want to achieve and then they participate more and more.  I had to say I was even proud.  They are so cute I just want to hug them over and over! How do you guys feel about special ed?  Do you think you'd have the patience to try and certify in special ed?  I'm really considering it.

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