Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Calm AFTER the Storm

For the past 3 days or so it has been raining nonstop.  It felt like Hurricane Irene all over again.  A lot of students couldn't make it to class due to more flooding on top of the last storm which still was not fully cleared away in some areas.  So you can imagine what that must have been like.  Luckily, my area does not flood easily.  Homes in Fairfield and Wayne had to get rid of furniture and valued items that all were destroyed from the floods.  Some houses were under 2 feet of water and the resident's could not leave for 5 days.  If you drive in those towns you will see tons of ruined items on the sidewalks ready for garbage.  The people have no other choice.  I am thankful that didn't happen to me and my family, however, I would like to do something to help out the others who were less fortunate. I have tons of clothes, and extra belongings that I do not ever use or need.  I'm thinking these people could really get use of this with the situation they are in.


  1. Gabriella, I would like to get a dialogue going between you and me. What courses are you taking that you really enjoy? Where are you doing your observations? What are you noticing in the class in which you are observing? What are you learning in some of your classes that you find astonishing? What are your hobbies? Dr. Ries

  2. Dr Ries, I really enjoy and look forward to my 2 education courses. Intro to exceptional child is definitely great for me because I love to help children with special needs and I have a lot of patience for it. Even outside of school if I see a child who is struggling or is challenged I always want to do something to help. It's always better if your job is doing something you WANT to do rather than have to do. As for this class, I am so eager to learn how to use a smart board and get to know the ins and outs. I love the mini lesson idea how you take the small groups each class. I think that will help me a lot. Everything today is technology (whether we like it or not) and that is basically the name of this class. There is so much that this course teaches that's really important to know nowadays when your teaching in the classroom. I also enjoy another class with Dr. Verrone, "Teaching Writing: In theory and practice" This class actually teaches us as teachers how to teach children to write better. I was never the best writer so I think it will be great for me.

    In the past I observed a 2nd grade class at Radcliffe School in Nutley, NJ and this semester I am at Lincoln School. My teacher is not getting back to me on when to start coming in! I've called twice now and the secretary is saying she is relaying the message but still no callback. I know its hectic because the elementary schools just started but I need to get going soon or else this will put me behind.

    I am really enjoying blogging and having dialogue with others. You were right, it is so exciting to see what people have to say to your comments =)
