Thursday, October 27, 2011

Done with midterms!

Woo..what a relief! Yesterday i finally took my last midterm and I am now stress free.  My Western Literature midterm was extremely hard .. I'm actually a bit nervous to get it back.  I had my ED 331 (Exceptional Child) midterm just last night and I feel pretty good about it.  It was 15 short answer questions so I did a lot of writing.  My hand still feels like its going to fall off.  On a brighter not I got a 101 on my biology midterm =) Proud of myself I must say.  For writing we submitted a paper I blogged about last week (argument on anti-bullying policy)  I am so relieved that it's all out of the way.  My brain still hurts haha.  But now I can enjoy HALLOWEEKEND without any worries.  If midterm week was next week I probably would have been in all weekend long.  How did you guys do on your midterms?  Did you have them in every class?  I noticed some classes don't give them but it all accords to the material and if it's needed or not I guess.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

6 days until Halloween!!!!

HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE :) I must say this is one of my favorite holidays.  I love all the decorations, dressing up, and watching all the kids go trick-or-treating!  Carving pumpkins and watching scary movies is also something I enjoy doing.  My favorite movie of all time is Hocus Pocus. It is a classic and ABC family shows it every year!  I also like Halloween..(the original)  Michael Meyers always creeped me out the most of all killers.  What about you guys?  
I have 2 great parties planned this weekend on Friday and Saturday.  I am dressing up Princess Jasmine on Friday.  On Saturday, my boyfriend and I are going as Mr.&Mrs. Freddy Kreuger.  The costumes are awesome.  What are you guys being?  What are some of your plans?  Do you all enjoy Halloween as much as I do? I know some people don't like to dress up, if not what's your favorite holiday?