Thursday, September 15, 2011

Happy Birthday to me and Dr. Ries!

Today is my birthday, I turned 22! and I know Dr. Ries' birthday is tomorrow so im wishing her a very happy birthday as well.  We are both virgos.  I'm not crazy into zodiac signs but I will read my horoscope from time to time and get a little fun out of it.  Some people I know do theirs daily!  How about you guys?

For my birthday my boyfriend took me out to an amazing dinner.  He got me a Michael Kors handbag that i love so much! My brother is taking me for lunch today, I am meeting him after class, and going out later and partying with friends.  Good thing i have no classes tomorrow.


  1. Happy Birthday! Sounds like have fun plans.
    My birthday is September 2, but at this age, I would rather not see come them as often as they do! Hope you enjoy your birthday and your year!

  2. Aww haha! you look great shush =) Hope you had a Happy Birthday! We're all virgos!
